ISO 45001: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OH&S) Meaning and Purpose of ISO 45001 - ISO 45001 is the world's international standard for occupational health and safety (oh&s) issued to safeguard employees and even visitors from work-related injuries, accidents, and diseases. This is defined as the framework in which the organization looks after the occupational health and safety of its employees. It delineates a set of rules, policies, processes, and practices for averting occupational health and safety hazards and minimizes the risk probability in the workplace. ISO 45001 certification was developed to diminish any factors that can cause employees and businesses irremediable trauma. Its standards are the outcome of the attempts and great efforts by a committee of health and safety management experts. ISO 45001 Certification was designed to take other subsisting occupational health and safety standards, such as OHSAS 18001, into ...