About 14001

Let us understand about  ISO 14001 in detail, which deals with the Environmental Management System

and we will also be covering about ISO 14001 Certification in Bahrain. ISO 14001 sets out the

benchmark for an Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and aids certification as well.

It constructs a framework that a company or organization can proceed to set up an adequate

environmental management system. ISO has been recognized across 164 countries that aim to

strategize and provide the best standards and practices and it is designed for any type of organization,

regardless of its activities or sector, it provides affirmation to business or company’s management and

employees as well as external stakeholders/shareholders that environmental impact is being measured

and also improved.


Environmental Management System(EMS)


           World Environment Day is a universal event celebrated on the 5th of June since 1974 every year

in order to spread awareness about environmental protection.


      An environmental management system(EMS), which is constituted of the policies, procedures,

methods, and records that define the rules that how your company connects with the environment.

ISO 14001 requirements provide a scheme and guidelines for creating your EMS so that you do not

miss decisive elements needed for a successful environmental management system.

          ISO 14001:2015 (2015 is the updated version) can be used by any organization that wishes to

set up, improve, or also maintain an environmental management system (ems) to reconcile with its

established environmental policy and its fundamental requirements. ISO in Bahrain is very precise

about the implementation and has helped humongously to the various organizations and industries.

The fundamental requirements of ISO 14001 can be incorporated into any environmental management

system, the scope to which is determined by certain considerable factors including the organization’s

industry, environmental policy, services which they offer, products, and location. ISO 14001 helps

businesses and companies of all sizes across all sectors make their day to day operations.

Benefits of ISO 14001 Standard

ISO 14001 Cost in Bahrain is very affordable and comes with n number of benefits which

concerns about the Environmental Management System.

Few of the benefits are listed here -

1. ISO 14001 increases the engagement of employees and involves top leadership in this act which

also improves resource efficiency. 

2. It also encourages the better environmental performance of providers by integrating them into an

organization's business system and hence creates a positive financial impact on the organization.

3. It demonstrates compliance with the current as well as future fundamental, statutory, and regulatory

requirements and also provides an assurance that environmental impact is being continually measured.

4. Aids in increasing new business opportunities and gains a competitive advantage as well.

5. Provides environmentally friendly goods and reduces waste.

Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) Methodology of EMS

  • PLAN - Firstly, initial analysis or gap analysis of the organization’s processes and products.

  • DO - Implement the procedure in order to establish an effective Environmental Management

  • System(EMS).

  • CHECK - Monitor and Measure the process against health & safety policy, objectives, and other

  • legal requirements.

  • ACT - Take continuous actions in order to improve overall performance.

Become Acquainted With Finecert

Having explained about ISO 14001 and its benefits one question that comes to mind is that how can

we get ISO 14001 certification. When we talk of certifying our organization with various international

standards we need to get in detail about its procedure. 

Finecert Solutions is one of the leading organizations consisting of a team of skilled professionals that provide you all-around assistance in getting ISO 14001 Certification and Consultation in Bahrain. We employ a client-oriented approach hassle-free quick service and help your organization in getting certified. We put in the effort to accomplish this by focusing on each concern and building a solid partnership with our customers. The ISO 14001 Certification standard is one of the most crucial standards. ISO 14001 demonstrates the necessities of an echo-friendly  Environmental Management Systems(EMS) for compact as well as comprehensive associations. Finecert(which is based in Bengaluru) provides ISO 14001 Certification services to various locations around the globe.

Understanding and applying the requirements of any standard to one’s business has always been a challenging procedure. But, Finecert does it with ease. 

 For more information about ISO 14001 or visit


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