In a constantly growing global marketplace, checks, balances, and return-profits need to be in place. Otherwise, it would be tough in order to maintain consistency, efficiency, and quality across various industries and nations. International standards help us to grow in many ways and sustain in such a marketplace.

ISO is an abbreviation for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a seal of acceptance from a third party body that a company runs to one of the international standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an independent body, a non-governmental international organization that brings experts in order to share knowledge and develop various international standards that are globally recognized and accepted.

While there are different types of ISO certifications, they are all designed to ensure that an organization runs its business and services using international standards for products, services, and processes. For example, Bahrain a state in the Persian Gulf that has a literacy rate of over 97.46 % and also has several organizations and industries. People in Bahrain opt for ISO certification in Bahrain for the growth and betterment of their organizations.

Details about ISO Certification:

  • ISO was established on February 23rd, 1947, and its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO develops and publishes various international standards that are applicable worldwide that serve various industries.
  •      Certification of any particular standard can be attained by an organization based on their business type applicability and scope of work that they deal with.
  • ISO certifications are applicable for any kind of organization or a company, irrespective of its size (1 to 1,00,000+ people entity) and industry type(service or manufacturing) can get ISO certifications based on their regulatory requirements.
  • The three official languages of the ISO are English, French, and Russian. All the standards would be published in these languages varying over the preference.
  • ISO only develops and publishes they do not certify them. If you want to get ISO certified for your organization, you will have to get to with the help of a third accreditation party.

Types of ISO Certifications

  • ISO 9001 - International Standard for Quality Management Systems(QMS), which aims at increasing the service quality and delivering quality products offered by the businesses and to continue monitoring in order to meet market-relevant standards and regulatory requirements. 
  • ISO 14001 - International Standard for Environmental Management Systems(EMS)  is designed for any type of organization, regardless of its activities/sector, it provides affirmation to company management, employees as well as external stakeholders/shareholders that environmental impact is being measured and also constantly improved.
  • ISO 27001 -  International Standard for Information Security Management System (ISMS), which aims at helping organizations, businesses of any size or sector, in order to protect their valuable information in a systematic method with a cost-effective procedure.
  • ISO 22000 - International Standard for Food Safety Management System(FSMS) was designed in order to apply to any organization which is a part of the food chain, regardless of size, location, and complexity.  And also, show its customers that they are certified with a food safety management system(FMS).
  • ISO 45001 - International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&S) was designed to safeguard employees or even visitors’ health from work-related injuries, accidents, and diseases.

There are several benefits of all there ISO standards that organizations and companies can take advantage of. Some of them are listed below -

  • Increased efficiency.
  • Reduced costs and Increased Return profit.
  • More customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced risks.
  • Globally recognized Standards.
  • The gain in Competitive edges.

Assistance from Finecert

Having explained about different types of ISO Standards and their benefits one question that comes to mind is that how does one get these certifications. 

Finecert Solutions aims in providing businesses all-around assistance in consultation and certifications which are globally accepted, cost-effective ISO Certifications with a hassle-free procedure. Finecert is a team of professionals who expertise in assisting with the entire procedure at a very economical price which adds a drastic value to any organization. We put in great effort to accomplish this by focusing on each concern and building a solid partnership with our customers. 

Discover some of the globally accepted best-known and most widely-used standards, visit For any queries, write to us at


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